This blog is part of Sustainable myths Blog. It was written just with occasion of election of Obama as president of USA
Now it become a big problem. Forthy years before, scenery of Kennedy assassination was magnific performed. At the same time they killed Merylin, spread rumor about love, affair, letters and forty years people ask how good was Merylin in bed more than ask why in fact Kennedy was killed? At the same time Russions chased Hruschov, another actor of piece policy. Can, dare Obama to switch to sustainable investments? Take from mouth of gun keepers? I'm sure, there already some of them prepare scenario with fool with pigmentation illness to whitewash killing of president.
There are two ways to get rid of permanent crisis. War, total war or switching to recycling world, which will take around 50 years just to start. Without support of American nation, like nation, Obama can't do this.
See here 18 min speech of Obama vision of energy independence of USA. Too big swallow.
Sewing patches on tear pants
Yes these are solutions: fuels flexible cars, ethanol, methanol, fuel cells, and hybrid.
Wind Energy, Solar panels and so on. We have to consider use of hydrogen fuel.
It seems very easy to talk about. Ones must consider infrastructure, static and dynamic stability of power network, and distribution of fuel. We have to keep in mind some things which are the base of new way of producing and using energy. First of all now it comes to produce sources of energy. Use energy to produce energy. Another important problem is storing of energy. Yes we will use FFC, but they also need soup to drive them.
Sources of energy and resources to produce them must be capital problem of every nation. Don’t bear poor people to solve their own problems. You will need large systems of electricity. Wind farms with cogeneration. The smallest wind turbine in such farm shouldn’t be under 2 Megawatts. In sunny places must be considered sun power towers, not less then 200 Megawatts.
Large systems of cogeneration of hydro power, sun power, wind power and fuel cells are solution for a national strategy of every country. American nation (beside some others) has the highest resource of energy: knowledge and education. If you ask me, this planet has to have a planetary government.
At this stage (of energy death of planet), we didn’t evolved to such developed societies. :))
"No one wastes* a new patch on a worn-out garment, so it may not shrink more than the old garment and make the tear* bigger. (Mathew 9:16)
I did not vote for Obama but I support every President until they prove to be different than what they say. The one's that did vote for him does not know who he is. There are a lot of things that will come out as time goes on. These are bad times for America and I am a fraid that Obama is NOT the answer and may add to the problem. But since MY God is in Full Control, I will trust in Him and Him alone.
Tom thank you
I'm suspicious also.
Economic order is such established that people gormandize resources and some become rich.
This is first naive speech to warn about necessity to recycle life by making our own energy. I'm not American, and that why Americans delighted me with their overall vision for future.
Let me be simple: God sent man out of Eden like punishment to leave from the sweat of his forehead. Not to gormandise planet. :)
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Hi, I am a Malaysian. US presidential election is a matter of interest to most part of the world. As what Tom said, "My God" is in control. Actually Tom expressed his faith in God, faith is also another term for "Hope". Bad US economy not only hurts US but also the world. The rest of the world also "hopes" a lot from Obama.
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